Who We Care For



Most people are surprised to find out that chiropractors take care of newborns. They ask, “Why do they need chiropractic? They don’t have back pain!” The birth process is one of the most traumatic events in our lives. Not only does our environment change dramatically, the techniques used in today’s hospitals can do significant damage to the baby’s spine. The adjustment of a newborn’s spine by a chiropractor is much different than that of an adult. Most parents report that their baby sleeps better and is less irritable after being adjusted.


Concern about the child’s spine does not go away once they can hold themselves upright. Did you know the average child falls about 5,000 times before the age of five? When most parents hear that statistic, they say, “Well, my child must be above average because they have definitely fallen more than that!”. Most of those falls are pretty insignificant, but when they are compounded together with the few significant falls, the child’s spine can be weakened. Conservative chiropractic care during these years allows your child to grow up healthy and strong.

School Age Kids


How many times did you fall off the monkey bars in school? Do you remember how uncomfortable those silly little school chairs were to sit on? Do you think these things can stress the developing spines of our children? Parents of school age children who utilize chiropractic care report that their kids get sick less often than their peers. They also say that they can tell a difference in their child’s focus after they have been adjusted. The kids know this too! They love coming into our office.


Junior high and high school students have a lot more pressures on them today than we did when we were growing. Add to that the amount and size of the text books they have to carry these days. Did you know that around 40% of emergency room visits for teenagers are for back pack injuries? Chiropractic care for teens really allows their bodies to get through their growth spurts smoothly. There is an old Chinese proverb that says, “As the twig is bent, so grows the tree.” Think about the wisdom in that saying as you are having to buy new jeans every 6 months because your child has outgrown the pair you just bought them!



How many of you have more stress in your life this year than last year? Do you feel this stress is good for your health? If not, what are you doing to counteract the stress in your life? 
Chiropractic care is one of the best ways to reduce the built up stress in your life. Stress builds up in the nervous system. By getting adjusted you allow your nerves to release built up tension. Once this tension is released, your body can better handle the stress in your life.


Now that you have reached your golden years, what good is it to have all that spare time and not be able to enjoy it? Gentle chiropractic care through your senior years has been proven to improve flexibility and stamina. Research has also shown that seniors who are under regular chiropractic care report being healthier and taking fewer medications.
If you have grandkids, you know how challenging it can be to keep up with them. Our practice members report to us that the care they receive in our office allows them to stay active and have fun with their grandkids.




No pet owner wants to see their furry friend in pain. Fortunately, chiropractic care is a non-invasive treatment option that will reduce inflammation, improve mobility, increase circulation and stimulate your dog's natural pain relieving endorphins!


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3:00 pm-6:00 pm


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3:00 pm-6:00 pm


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3:00 pm-6:00 pm


9:00 am-12:00 pm

3:00 pm-6:00 pm





